# 一、CallInEditor

  • 虚幻 5 的介绍:
    • This function can be called in the editor on selected instances via a button in the details panel.
  • 意思就是:函数通过使用 UFUNCTION (CallInEditor , Category="Test"),可以在编辑器的细节面板增加一个按钮,然后点击这个按钮就会调用该函数。
  • 用法:创建一个新 Actor,并把下面代码加入进去,然后将 Actor 拖入到场景。
    • ATestEditorExtendActor.h
      UFUNCTION(CallInEditor, Category = "Test")
      void SaveAllActorsName();
      /// 当前编辑器world所有Actor的名字
      UPROPERTY(VisibleInstanceOnly, Category = "Test", DisplayName = "Actor Names")
      TArray<FString> m_astrCurrWorldActorNames;
    • ATestEditorExtendActor.cpp
      void ATestEditorExtendActor::SaveAllActorsName()
      	/// 获取当前编辑器打开的World(不是游戏运行时的World)
      	UWorld* pCurEditorWorld = nullptr;
      	const TIndirectArray<FWorldContext>&  aWorldContext = GEngine->GetWorldContexts();
      	for (auto& worldContext : aWorldContext)
      		UWorld* pWorld = worldContext.World();
      		if (pWorld && pWorld->WorldType == EWorldType::Editor)
      			pCurEditorWorld = pWorld;
      	if (!pCurEditorWorld)
      		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("Editor world is null!"));
      	/// 对当前World(关卡)做一些编辑器相关的操作
      	/// 比如:可以相关Actor,动态生成一些编辑器数据,并序列化保存下来
      	for (TActorIterator<AActor> ActorIter(pCurEditorWorld); ActorIter; ++ActorIter)
      		AActor* pActor = *ActorIter;
      		if (!pActor)
    • Actor 加入场景后的效果如下,点击这个按钮就会保存当前关卡所有 Actor 到数组 m_astrCurrWorldActorNames 里面。
      Call In Editor

# 二、UObject 相关的接口

  • UObject::PreSave 函数。
    • 当 UObject 对象及其派生类(包括蓝图)保存时,会调用该函数。
    • UObject 子类可以覆盖该虚函数,在对象保存时做一些编辑器扩展!(例如:编辑器下通过该函数,动态生成一些该对象的数据结构,加入合适的 UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere、VisibleAnywhere 等)就可以将数据序列化下来)
      * Presave function. Gets called once before an object gets serialized for saving. This function is necessary
      * for save time computation as Serialize gets called three times per object from within SavePackage.
      * @warning: Objects created from within PreSave will NOT have PreSave called on them!!!
      virtual void PreSave(FObjectPreSaveContext SaveContext);
      void UObject::PreSave(FObjectPreSaveContext SaveContext)
      	SaveContext.Data.bBaseClassCalled = true;
      #if WITH_EDITOR
      	FCoreUObjectDelegates::OnObjectPreSave.Broadcast(this, SaveContext);
      U Object Pre Save
  • UObject::Modify 函数。
    • 当 UObject 的子类对象的数据改变时,需要将改动记录到 transaction buffer (undo/redo) 就会调用该函数。
    • 说人话就是:当蓝图属性发生改变时就会调用该函数。例如:修改了某个数值,勾选了某个按钮都会调用 Modify 函数。
    • 需要注意的是该函数好像会调用多次!
      * Note that the object will be modified.  If we are currently recording into the 
      * transaction buffer (undo/redo), save a copy of this object into the buffer and 
      * marks the package as needing to be saved.
      * @param	bAlwaysMarkDirty	if true, marks the package dirty even if we aren't
      *						currently recording an active undo/redo transaction
      * @return true if the object was saved to the transaction buffer
      #if WITH_EDITOR
      virtual bool Modify( bool bAlwaysMarkDirty=true );
      /** Utility to allow overrides of Modify to avoid doing work if this object cannot be safely modified */
      bool CanModify() const;
  • UObject::PostLoad 函数。
    • 当对象在 Load 完成后调用。
    • 例如:编辑器打开时加载资源;右键蓝图资源 ===>Asset Actions===>Reload。
      * Do any object-specific cleanup required immediately after loading an object.
      * This is not called for newly-created objects, and by default will always execute on the game thread.
      virtual void PostLoad();
  • UObject 对象中还有很多编辑器扩展可以使用的虚函数,有兴趣的可以自行查看源码(太多了列举不完!)。
    * This is called when a property is about to be modified externally
    * @param PropertyThatWillChange	Property that will be changed
    virtual void PreEditChange(FProperty* PropertyAboutToChange);
    * Called by the editor to query whether a property of this object is allowed to be modified.
    * The property editor uses this to disable controls for properties that should not be changed.
    * When overriding this function you should always call the parent implementation first.
    * @param	InProperty	The property to query
    * @return	true if the property can be modified in the editor, otherwise false
    virtual bool CanEditChange( const FProperty* InProperty ) const;
    * Intentionally non-virtual as it calls the FPropertyChangedEvent version
    void PostEditChange();
    /** Called before applying a transaction to the object.  Default implementation simply calls PreEditChange. */
    virtual void PreEditUndo();
    /** Called after applying a transaction to the object.  Default implementation simply calls PostEditChange. */
    virtual void PostEditUndo();
    /** Called at the end of Rename(), but only if the rename was actually carried out */
    virtual void PostRename(UObject* OldOuter, const FName OldName) {}
    * Called before duplication.
    * @param DupParams the full parameters the object will be duplicated with.
    *        Allows access to modify params such as the duplication seed for example for pre-filling the dup-source => dup-target map used by StaticDuplicateObject. 
    * @see FObjectDuplicationParameters
    virtual void PreDuplicate(FObjectDuplicationParameters& DupParams) {}

# 三、编辑器命令

  • 注册编辑器命令来扩展一些简单的功能。示例代码如下:
    static void TestEditorCommand(UWorld* pWorld)
    	if ( !pWorld || pWorld->WorldType != EWorldType::Editor )
    	///do something
    /// 自动注册控制台命令
    FAutoConsoleCommandWithWorld g_TestAutoCom(
    	TEXT( "TestAutoCommand" ),
    	TEXT( "Test Command Of Editor" ),
    	FConsoleCommandWithWorldDelegate::CreateStatic( TestEditorCommand ) );
    Console Command
  • 除了 FAutoConsoleCommandWithWorld,还有其它控制台命令:FAutoConsoleCommand、FAutoConsoleCommandWithWorldAndArgs、FAutoConsoleCommandWithOutputDevice、FAutoConsoleCommandWithWorldArgsAndOutputDevice。
  • 这些自动控制台命令都定义在 IConsoleManager.h 里面,有兴趣的的可以自行去查看源码!

# 四、Editor Utilities

#   1. 创建 Editor Utilities

  • 创建编辑器工具:右键 =》EditorUtilities
    Create Editor Utilities

#   2. Editor Utility Widget

  • 简单实用,这玩意简直是编辑器扩展的福音!减少开发者创建插件扩展编辑器和书写 Slate 构建编辑器扩展的 UI,直接使用 UserWidget 可视化界面构建 UI,真的是太棒了!
  • 试一试:其实就跟正常的游戏 UI 的 Widget 大同小异!
    • 创建:创建 EditorUtilityWidget =》双击打开 =》创建一个按钮 =》点击按钮后输出信息
    • 使用:右键 EditorUtilityWidget =》点击 RunEditorUtilityWidget =》里面就是你构建的 UI =》 点击按钮 =》 输出信息 =》测试成功!
      Editor Utility Widget

#   3. Editor Utility Blueprint

  • 这个编辑器扩展功能,目前感觉功能不全,可能还没开发完成!有兴趣的可以自行尝试。

# 五、结语

  • 虚幻引擎提供的编辑器扩展插件是真的好用,但也泛滥成灾了!
    一些简单的功能(可能需要为某类 Actor 写个编辑器函数、也可能就遍历关卡中的 Actor 做一些简单操作),
    令项目插件越积越多(写插件的人使用完后不关闭插件、不归类或不去除工具栏按钮,让人烦厌的是这些插件会把我的 “Play” 等按钮挤到很远的地方!)!

  • 更进一步的编辑器扩展,请查看 UE5 编辑器扩展(进阶篇)